“Don't worry if it doesn't work right. If everything did, you'd be out of a job.”
Mosher's Law of Software Engineering
Hello everyone who is reading this text.I dont know what to write there and this is what there will be a little bit of text.
I am a student and dont have a lot of time to manage this site, there may be not 100% accuracy information, but there you can find my projects and briefly descriptions of them.
P.S. Have a good day. <3
Veniamin's team
Paskal Dungeon
When you launh game file first that you see is that small window. Based on your choice, the number of lives you will have during the game is calculated.
Map generates randomly every time you play game. You are blue square, red squares are walls, yellow are path and green ones is your enemies. You should walk on them to attack. After couple of kicks they die.
You win when you defeat every enemy. And die if lose all health point. This is winning animation.
Java Dungeon
This is what you see when you launch game.
This is settings menu.
This is pseudorandom generated level.
This gif shows how you collect key pieces by killing your enemies and also collect experience.
This is level up menu. You can gain +1 damage or +1 defence or +50 health points. Your enemies progress with you, you can make sure of this by yourself.
This is second floor. As you can see your health regenerates every floor.
This is boos battle
Winning and defeat screens.
If you manage to win on hard difficulty you will receive something very interesting and valuable.
Disboard mod for minecraft 1.12.2
This is small mod for minecraft 1.12.2 that brings in game few items and Boxes with loot. I strongly recommend that you install jei, because without it you can't see loot drops from boxes and chances of each item drop.
All loot can be fully customized by json file that stores in config directory that creates when you first launch minecraft with this mod(also there is a lot of examples and possible_formatting.info for color names). For example there is tool box with some loot. Diamond pickaxe has colored custom name "World Eater" and few enchantments. Also on last line you can see "1.0 %" this is a chance of dropping this item from the bag.
You can reload loot tables ingame by executing this command. If you are on server this just reload local files ingame. But if you are on server this command, ask server to load json files from server config directory and then send them to every player that is online. This configs saves in separate directories for each server, you don't have to worry about your own configs for singleplayer. Also when you join multiplayer server you receive server configs and load them on client.
This is message of success configs reloading and droadcast to all server player that you opened specified box and receive specified loot. You can hover your mouse over loot name and see complete tooltip of item.
Minecraft server starter
This is relatively small programm that manage to restart minecraft server every N seconds if it is offline. This is what you see when you first start that programm
This programm also creates configmss.properties and log.0.txt files on start. In first programm stores configs. There are ip and port for connecting to the server, timer(time in seconds between checks of server uptime, cannot be less that 20) and cmd commands for starting server(open) and stopping server(close)). This is screen when all is going allright.
At left bottom you can see time right now. In restart times window will be all failed checks and manual restart which followed M letter. Status shows information about last check. All actions logs in log.0.txt file for later viewing. Be aware! This file rewrites after each program reopening.
My email is veniamin.arefev@mail.ru.
Please write me only if you don't want to offer me your Web Design services!